

Decisions: Life comes down to a constant flow of decisions. Whether you realize it or not you’re making decisions every moment. You decide what you will eat, where you will work, what time you will get up, what values you will follow, what you say to others, how you react to others, et cetera. From the smallest decisions like what items you’ll buy at the grocery store, to the largest decision like choosing to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior — Decisions are the fabric of life. Some people never realize the power of their decisions and drift through life letting others influence their path or decide for them. To truly realize your full potential, you must first examine yourself and understand the power of your decisions. “Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air.”1 Corinthians 9:26



Life is filled with risk, but the greatest risk of all is never taking a risk. In our society today we are taught from a young age to avoid any risk whatsoever. With each passing generation we become more pampered, coddled, and fearful, all while being told, taking any risk is something to be feared. Today’s generation wants more, yet they are unwilling to risk anything to get it. However, history proves to us, it is the risk-takers who shape the world. Think for a moment of any Biblical character that God operated through. Were they risk-takers? David vs Goliath, Noah and the ark, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua and the conquest, the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys, etc… All of these great figures faced extreme risks to follow their faith, yet they conquered because they believed in God. You can too, but you must step out in faith and take a risk on God.



Past, Present and Future: Time is a tricky thing. Most people are striving for life in the future or remembering the past, but rarely do people appreciate the moment of now. What is now? Now is the moment you are in right now. Reading this newsletter wherever you are, this is now. Chances are that before you were reading these words you were thinking about something you have to do in the days ahead or what happened last week. That is the future and past. But now is where you are at this moment. This day. Simple, right? But think for a moment how little each person actually lives in the now moment. Oftentimes, living in the now moment can be viewed as a wild or unruly life. This is an extreme view of the now moment. Obviously, every person needs to plan appropriately for the future, but living in and appreciating this day that the Lord has made, is something most people have forgotten.

Rise and Fall: Revisited

Rise and Fall: Revisited

Kingdoms rise and fall. From Babylon to Rome to the Soviet Union, nothing in this world lasts. Moreover, it’s not just kingdoms that rise and fall but it is businesses, fortunes, famous people and even churches. Every aspect of life is precipitated by a rise and then a fall. Sometimes the rise is spectacular and the fall disastrous, while other times the rise is slow and steady and the decline equally as such. Regardless of the pattern, the truth remains that everything in this world will rise and fall at some point.



Time, Health, and Money: These are three important aspects that affect everyone daily. However, two of these are perishable assets and one is not. Time is perishable because it marches on, and at some point, you will reach your end on this earth. The same is true for health. The older you get the more perishable it becomes. It doesn’t mean you can’t maintain your health into later life, but the simple fact remains, the more you age, the more your body feels the toll. Money on the other hand usually works in the reverse. You start with little and the more time that passes the more a person accrues (We are omitting from the list the most important which is the Spirit, but we will get to the importance of the Spirit later as it relates to all three).



For nearly everyone, it’s safe to say the past year of the pandemic has taken people’s sense of joy and happiness. That’s not to say we don’t have our ultimate joy in the Lord, but in times of distress such as these, hardships are felt. People everywhere have been restricted from interacting with others, many have suffered economically, others have lost loved ones, and every person has been forced to live an abnormal way of life. It’s a tragic time, but we can’t let it rob the fire in us. We are warned in the Bible that we will face tribulations and hardships so we must be ready and believe for better days ahead. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:9



The definition of Awe is a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. Being filled with awe is an experience we’ve all had. It’s difficult to explain it and words never truly do it justice. Awe might occur as you stand on the edge of a volcano contemplating the immense power and force of nature you are witnessing, or the feeling you get as you look out across the vast savannahs of the Kalahari at dawn. It is a feeling that grabs a hold of you and powerfully stirs emotions.



For many, trying to understand their place in this world or how to connect with others is an all-consuming thought. “Why am I not understood? Why can’t others see me the way that I see myself? Why can I not succeed? Why do I feel so unfulfilled?” These questions are deeply personal and affect the way people live their lives. Everybody at some point or another feels deeply misunderstood and yearns to be connected to others. In mankind’s great pursuit for this connection, many have set themselves to seek external validation. This action of seeking out external validation has controlled societies past and present and placed the opinion of others as the measurement of self-worth. Unfortunately, the person who relies on this will never be content, for those who love fame consider another man’s opinion to be his own good, and as long as he depends on that, which is not his own, he will live in fear.



When we become born-again our home ceases to be of this earth, and instead, our citizenship is a heavenly one. As Christians, we are reminded to live and conduct our lives according to this promise. The heroes of faith in the Bible understood this and likewise lived their lives accordingly. “All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.”Hebrews 11:13.



We live in volatile times. A global pandemic has brought the world to a halt. Political unrest grips our nation every week and step by step there is a steady attack on Christian tenets. The rate at which the global changes have occurred should make everyone realize that no matter how secure life may look or feel, in a moment, it can all be turned upside down. God doesn’t want us to be unaware that times like this will come and he warns us to be ready. “Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth. But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”Luke 21:34–36.



The Promises of God are many, and as believers, we must remind ourselves of them constantly. The Bible is the place in which we find these promises as it is the spoken Word of God. The Word is the authority upon which we can stand and it protects us against the enemy. The Word is life to all who hear it and it is the way we grow in faith, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” — Romans 10:17. The scriptures below are meant to be kept as a reference upon which you can meditate, pray and declare over your life. Speak them in faith and make them a reality in your heart. These are just a few of the many promises of God made towards those who believe in Him.



This is perhaps my favorite series of all time! These guys are so inspiring and help me to stay grounded in truth. Here in America, it’s so easy to get distracted by so many things. Tim and Will, along with everyone involved with the making of this show help keep my mind on the things of God. They are great reminders of what we are all called to do as believers in Christ, and they do it, modeling the fruit of the Holy Spirit, with meekness, and gentleness. That said, what they do is not for wimps. They have tremendous courage. I hope they are able to keep making these episodes. I also want to add that I have been deeply touched by witnessing some of their encounters. Thank you Tim, Will, and the Travel the Road crew!…



The great and wonderful thing about the Lord our God is that He proves Himself. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God puts forward the evidence of His power, love and existence. The Gospels are first-hand eyewitness accounts of the life of Christ Jesus and are considered so much a documentation that the first verses of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John implore the readers that what they are about to read are true events that transpired. Look at how the Gospel of Luke begins, “Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”Luke 1:1–4



Your life is what you pay attention to. Think about it for a moment. What is on your mind right now? If you are anxious about finances, health, or other circumstances then your state of mind is upon those things. You could be looking out at a beautiful waterfall, but if your attention is elsewhere, it’s like you’re not even there, but instead, only worrying about your circumstances. This is why it’s a fair statement to say, what you dwell upon will dictate your experiences in life. Jesus repeatedly told his followers to set their minds on the heavenly things and to avoid the mire of earthly worries.



The persecution of the church has been a common theme throughout the ages. One only needs to read the horrendous accounts in the New Testament of the Apostles and Disciples to see the extent of how difficult a time it was. The brutal stoning death of Stephen highlights what Christians faced in the early church. In Acts 7 we see Stephen defending the Gospel in a Synagogue in Jerusalem.



The definition of Loyalty is: a strong feeling of support or allegiance. A loyal person is someone who won’t sacrifice their beliefs to social pressure or persecution but holds fast to their convictions even under extreme pressures. We need only look to the Christians of old to see a great example of loyalty. These Christians of the past were hunted and persecuted for their beliefs, and when captured, many were put into arenas to be eaten by lions for the amusement of onlookers. They were also crucified and tortured, and the fortunate ones were only beaten. Through the ages, many brave Christian men and women went to violent deaths refusing to renounce Christ Jesus. They were heroes of the faith and had an unwavering loyalty to God. Great is their reward.



Stress is a killer of the body and soul. It can paralyze a person to the point of physical collapse. No one lives stress-free and many suffer daily from its impact. The definition of stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is probably the number one way the devil torments people in life.



Master Effort: The term Mastery means: to have a comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment. Or control or superiority over something. Mastery in anything takes time to refine and not something that materializes overnight. It’s an effort of blood, sweat and tears that takes extreme patience and complete dedication. Mastery of a subject can include things as niche as knitting, painting, photography, mountaineering, singing, computer programming, horticulture, welding, writing, cooking, trading, etc…More often than not, these master skills will also provide a lifelong vocation or deep investment of time in a person’s life. The best way to understand mastery is to look at the lives of past masters. And when one investigates the commonality found in these masters of the past, they will find the importance of hard work.



Amid great disaster and extreme challenges God moves in mighty ways and calls people to accomplish extraordinary things. Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery and rose to high office in order to help his family. Moses was called to lead the Israelites out of bondage and into a land of their own — the Promise Land. Jonah survived three days and three nights in the belly of the whale and went on to preach and convince the people of Nineveh to repent. The Bible is filled with accounts of people that were put into extraordinary and dangerous situations who ultimately rose to the challenge and accomplished their God-given mission.



Changes: The one constant in life is change. The course you are on will twist and deviate in ways you never thought possible. These changes usually happen fast and without a lot of notice. A wise person recognizes that change is inevitable and that nothing is sustainable forever. Empires rise and fall, businesses boom and bust, economies bubble and pop, peacetime yields to war, life begins and ultimately ends. These are the realities of the world we live in, and as such, it’s important to recognize that cycles like this will occur. However, we do not need to only dwell on the darkness because as Christians we have our hope and assurance firmly set in the Lord. The promises of God are the one thing that is immune to change, for He is never changing and true to His Word. Amen!