When we think about power, there is only one source to look to — Almighty God. God, from the beginning, has always given mankind a choice. Because without the freedom to choose there can be no such thing as love. Many times you will hear people who do not believe in God say, “But if there is a loving God why does he allow the suffering in the world?”
Know Yourself: A wise person takes an honest stock of who they are. If you do not know your character, judgment or emotions you cannot fix the flaws. Most do not look inward as they are too concerned about the outward. Gaining knowledge of who you are is the first step in conquering the challenges that are present and those to come. “Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the LORD.” — Lamentations 3:40
Good stuff! I've watched about the first 10 or so episodes so far, just watched the two-part India one last night...Their ministry style is pure Pentecostalism, complete with passionate fervent preaching, healings, exorcisms, laying on of hands (blessings), even a story of a woman being raised from the dead. They are proof the Apostolic age hasn't ended and that God still works in these ways to this day. They're like modern-day Paul and Barnabas on missions practicing first-century Christianity! It’s awesome!! So Spirit-filled and inspiring!!! I'M TOTALLY ADDICTED TO THIS SHOW... A GOOD HEALTHY GODLY ADDICTION :D — David
Sierra Leone: Part Two
Ebola: As we drive along the last portion of the sealed road toward the eastern town of Tongo, pastor Joshua points out a small clearing on the roadside. He says, “This was one of the Ebola camps. Any person traveling from Guinea or eastern Sierra Leone must pass along this road. In the time of the Ebola (outbreak of 2014 - 2016), anyone with a fever would be stopped and forced to stay at the camp. Many, many people died here.”
Sierra Leone: Part One
Sierra Leone is a country mostly known for its difficult past. Much like Rwanda is associated with the genocide of the early ‘90s, Sierra Leone is known for its history of slavery, rebel wars, blood diamonds and most recently, the deadliest Ebola outbreak in human history. Yet, through all the pains and hardships, hope in Christ can be found in many communities and districts. All one has to do is walk down the streets of Freetown on any given night and they will hear the sounds of praise and worship crackling from roadside churches. However, it would be a mistake to think Sierra Leone is predominantly a Christian country as it has more than a 70% Muslim population. Many would think religious strife would be a source of constant conflict, but unlike other countries in West Africa, it rarely is…
Freedom from Worry
We all worry. Some more than others, but worry is one of the things most people have become experts at. Much of what Jesus spoke was to allay the worries and fears of people. “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.” — John 14:1. “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? “And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? “And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.” — Matthew 6:25-29. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” — John 14:27. The fact is — worry will always come. It will harass and torment your mind like wild hounds chasing after you. But praise God there is freedom from worry and we find it in the embrace of Christ Jesus.
In Remembrance
“Through a small opening (in sealed train car) I see great piles of clothes. I realize that we are lost. Alas, it is hopeless. After a short while the door of the traincar is abruptly thrown open to the accompaniment of fiendish screams—Raus! Raus! (Get out! Get out!). I no longer have any doubts about our misfortune. I put my arm around my sister and try to get out of the car as quickly as possible. I leave everything behind. My poor sister asks me why I am leaving our baggage. I reply—It is not necessary …
Finding the Call
For most people, finding a calling is difficult. People would like to live out their calling, but often they find themselves mired down and unable to move forward. “I can’t find my calling!” or “I want to do something with my life!” can be a heartfelt groan for many people. But it is not enough to simply desire something, it requires much more.
Watching the Guatemala episode I was so shocked by how the Mayan sacrifices are happening today. Many people think Guatemala is totally evangelized, but seeing your episode showed another side of things. I am glad you could help the poor people in the trash yards and show us the hardships of people hooked on drugs. I want to watch all your episodes again and again. You are shining a light in the darkness...God bless you. — Mary
Better In Him
To truly understand your nature as a Christian, and to better know yourself, you must first realize there is two natures inside of you. One is the spirit and the other is the flesh. “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please….”
The Ancient Paths
Today, in the modern church, the word tradition has almost become a dirty word. There are valid points of where tradition should not be accepted, such as non-doctrinally sound teachings and heresies that are anti-christ. But for the most part, we should embrace the true traditions of the Word of God and reject those that are not of Christ.
Problem Solver
Problems are ever present in life. Those who can overcome them find success, but those who succumb to them find failure. The way you deal with problems will define who you are as a person. Time keeps going with or without you, so you better have a strategy to deal with problems or they will eat you up and spit you out. There are all sorts of ways of dealing with problems in life, some of which will yield good results and some that are a waste of time, but the simple fact is — The one common experience of all humanity is the challenge of problems.
Throughout the Bible we see a pattern of prophets and mighty men of God hear the voice of the Lord in solitude. There is something powerful about separating oneself from the world to hear the voice of God. Jesus practiced this more than anyone and as you read the Gospels you will see that Jesus constantly sought solitude. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” — Mark 1:35
Heart of an Explorer
Humans are driven to explore the unknown. For some, there is an irresistible urge to find new paths, discover new lands, blaze new trails and push farther than anyone thought possible. The journey of discovery is often fraught with hardships and many failures, but to those who press on, against all odds, they are the ones who stand as pioneers and explorers.
Thank you, Tim and Will, for faithfully and boldly carrying out the work of Christ by literally being the hands and feet of Jesus in the most unreached and remote places of the world. I've followed your progress throughout the last 13 years since I became a new believer, and recently God put you guys on my heart to see what He has been doing through you…
Strong Resolve
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” — Deuteronomy 31:6. Strength and courage are callings of the Lord. The Lord tells us to believe in Him and to act accordingly. In essence, the Lord calls us to have a strong resolve and to trust Him. But you can’t have a strong resolve without an unshakeable faith. Below we discuss what it means to have a strong resolve and how to stand firm on the promises of God.
A Simple Life
Oftentimes, life can feel like one big juggling act. There are bills to pay, jobs to work, mouths to feed, goals to achieve, problems to solve, ventures to plan, etc… Don’t get us wrong, these activities are important, but it leaves the vast majority of people feeling overwhelmed and physically and mentally exhausted. The simple answer would be to own less stuff or cut down on a busy schedule, but as important and helpful as those minimalist activities are, they are treating the symptom and not the cause. A cluttered and unfulfilled life cannot be cured through external fixes, but only through a change of the heart.
Traits of an Explorer
In each of us, there is an explorer’s heart. We all have a need to learn more, discover more and do more. Even from infancy humans are exploring. Kids try to utter words until they can finally speak, they crawl until they can finally walk, they take risks and learn how to navigate the world around them, and oftentimes, to the consternation of their parents, these infant explorations result in a few bumps and bruises. But such is life, and as we grow older, exploration of the world around us shapes who we are.
Q&A 20-Years in Ministry: Part Two
Can you tell us one of the most memorable ministry opportunities you had in your travels?Well, one of the most impactful testimonies that always comes to mind is the divine meeting with the Reindeer tribe. Most people are familiar with the episode and it is one of the most viewed ones that we’ve done…
Q&A 20-Years in Ministry: Part One
How did you get started in missions and who had the idea to film it?
We got started in missions because we heard the calling and took action upon that calling. I was 20 when I made the decision and Will was 24. As for the idea for the TV series…Well, we took a one-year missionary journey from 1998-1999 before we even documented or imagined the first season of Travel the Road.