Travel the Road

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Travel the Road Testimonies

"I first heard about you possibly 10-12 years ago when I picked up your first documentary at a local library. I was so intensely moved by your story that today that is part of my testimony as to what helped move my heart into action to "Go into all the world." I am now part of a ministry that travels to many different countries to spread the gospel and just 2 weeks ago returned from being with a group in Mozambique Africa. It is so exciting to be a part of spreading the fire of God across nations! Thank you for your hearts of compassion! May you be encouraged and strengthened today in Jesus' Name! God bless!"

- Rachel

What an encouragement to hear that the Lord spurred you on to full time missions through Travel the Road! May He continually guide you as you follow Him Rachel! 

Many Blessings, 

Travel the Road


Has the Lord used Travel the Road to compel you to be active in the Great Commission? Share your testimony with us today at: - God Bless!